School Health
Parents & Students
Schools in the district provide specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parent, to meet the unique educational need of youngsters ages three through twenty-one who have been evaluated and declared eligible and in need of special education services.
Referrals for evaluation may be made throughout the year. Evaluations are provided at no cost to the parents by properly certified/licensed personnel.
Areas of Service:
Autistim | Multiple disabilities |
Deaf-blindness | Orthopedic impairment |
Deafness | Other health impairment |
Developmental delay | Specific learning disability |
Serious emotional disability | Speech or language impairment |
Hearing impairment | Traumatic brain injury |
Intellectual disability | Visual impairment including blindness |
Educational plans are carried out in the child's least restrictive environment. Children ages three, four, and eligible five-year-olds are served by the Hand-in-Hand Preschool Disabilities Program; those five through twenty-one are served in the public schools.
The program for Academically Gifted students is not part of Special Education Services. It is described in a separate section.
Transylvania County Schools actively seeks to locate and evaluate children ages 3-21 who are suspected to have disabilities. If you suspect your child might have a disability, please call: 884-3113 for a Child Find Specialist.
The goal of the State is to provide appropriate educational opportunity to all children with disabilities who reside in North Carolina.
The purposes of this part are:
(a) To ensure that all children with disabilities, ages three through 21, have available to them a free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepares them for further education, employment, and independent living;
(b) To ensure that the rights of children with disabilities and their parents are protected;
(c) To assist the local educational agencies, including state operated programs and charter schools, to provide for the education of children with disabilities; and
(d) To assess and ensure the effectiveness of efforts to educate children with disabilities.
Click here for Parent Resources.
Transylvania County Schools follows all local, state, and federal rules, regulations and laws concerning special education. For additional information, please call 884-6173.