School Health
Parents & Students
School Bus Regulations and Safety
Bus transportation is offered to students who live one-and-one-half miles or more from the school. A student living less than one-and-one-half miles may be transported, providing a safety hazard would be present if the child walks to school.
Any pupil who is transported to and from school by bus is expected to board and leave the bus at his/her own bus stop. The Transportation Director determines which bus to ride and what the designated stop will be. However, WRITTEN permission from the parents and APPROVAL FROM THE SCHOOL OFFICE will allow your child to board or leave the bus at a different stop. This includes students who normally walk or ride in a car. According to state law, school bus drivers are not allowed at any time to drop a student off at a nondesignated stop, and they are not allowed to drop a student off at a different stop without the approved note.
If The Request To Leave The Bus At Another Stop Is Required Because Of Children Visiting One Another Or Spending The Night, A Note From Both Sets Of Parents Must Be On File In The School Office.
Bus Safety
Please discuss these rules thoroughly with your child. Also, if your child will be going home another way (for any reason) other than on his/her assigned bus, you MUST send a note.
Waiting For The Bus
Students need to be at the designated stop FIVE minutes before time for the bus to arrive, except during severe weather. Rain and temperatures in the single digits would constitute severe weather.
Wait quietly for the bus to come.
Do not play in the street.
Stand back from the road as the bus approaches.
Do not fight or scuffle at the bus stop.
Safe behavior at the BUS STOP is very important. When possible, please help monitor the safety and behavior of your child while he/she is awaiting the bus in the morning or arriving at home in the afternoon.
Boarding The Bus
If you must cross the road,
wait until the bus driver stops the bus and opens the door,
check the traffic in both directions,
walk in front of the bus,
if you drop something, tell the driver before picking it up.
Form a single line and do not crowd or push.
Go directly to your assigned seat and remain seated.
Leaving The Bus
Stay seated until the bus stops.
Do not push or shove, and unload quickly and quietly from front to back.
If you do not have to cross the street, walk immediately away from the bus.
If you must cross the street,
walk far enough in front of the bus to see the driver,
stop when you are even with the traffic side of the bus and carefully look both ways,
cross the street quickly, but do not run,
never stop in front of the bus. If you drop something, tell the driver before picking it up.
The Bus Drivers Are On A Time Schedule. If A Problem Or A Need Arises, Please Contact The School Rather Than Stopping The Driver.
Bus Passenger Conduct
Children on the bus must:
remain in their ASSIGNED seats, NO STANDING,
talk softly,
not fight or scuffle,
keep hands to themselves,
keep feet out of the aisle,
never use profane or indecent language,
not put arms, hands, or head out of the window,
not bother the driver with loud or distracting behavior,
not throw articles in the bus or out of the window,
not possess any harmful items,
not eat or drink on the bus,
not damage the bus,
only get on and off the bus at your designated stop.
Important Information For Parents And Students
BUS DISCIPLINE-Video cameras have been installed in the county 's yellow buses. Infractions occurring on the school bus may result in suspension from the bus as well as school based discipline.
First Offense - Warning and parent notification
Second Offense - Possible 3-day bus suspension and/or disciplinary action
Third Offense - Possible 5-day bus suspension and/or disciplinary action
Fourth Offense - Possible 10-day bus suspension and/or disciplinary action
Fifith Offense - Possible bus suspension for the remainder of the year
School bus discipline referrals must be taken home by the student to be signed by the parent and returned to the office.
Principal/designee may invoke school disciplinary procedures as well as bus disciplinary procedures depending upon the circumstances. A bus suspension may be imposed on the occurrence of any offense depending on the nature of the offense. Parents will be notified concerning inappropriate behavior and disciplinary action taken.
Riding The School Bus Is A Privilege That Can Be Revoked At Any Time A Student Does Not Display Safe And Proper Behavior.
Remember: Practice safety on the bus and at the bus stop. Be kind to the other students and to your driver and follow the instructions of your bus driver.