School Health
Parents & Students
Every school day, the Transylvania County School System provides bus transportation to over 2,000 students using 35 buses covering over 1,500 miles daily. Transylvania County is committed to providing these students with safe, efficient and trustworthy transportation that contributes to their overall academic success. Our number one concern is the safety of all students.
Safety and Reliability
"The Relative Risks of School Travel: A National Perspective and Guidance for Local Community Risk Assessment" was released by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) of the National Academies for Science (NAS) on June 18, 2002. This report states, in summary, that children are at far more risk traveling to and from school in private passenger vehicles - especially if a teenage driver is involved - than in school buses. The report also indicates that bicycling and walking also place students at greater risk than traveling by school bus.
Each year about 800 school-age children are killed in motor vehicle crashes during normal school travel hours (weekday mornings and afternoons during school months) accounting for about 14 percent of the 5,600 child deaths that occur on the nation's roadways. Of these 800 deaths, only about 2 percent are school-bus related, while 74 percent occur in private passenger vehicles and 22 percent are the result of pedestrian or bicycle accidents. More than half of all deaths of children between age 5 and 18 occur during normal school travel hours when a teenager is driving.